
3-5 years old

At this age, children are ready to participate by themselves. Cypress Academy uses the sport of ninja as a tool to challenge children to expand their developing capabilities.

60 minutes/ week

Classes are offered Monday through Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings, and select weekday mornings

Cost $105/mo. or $100 on auto-draft

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5 years & up

In our Ninja Rec Program, your child will be introduced to the basic skills needed to accomplish different obstacles based on a curriculum of 5 areas of focus.

Our Rec Program is split by age & skill level.

60 minutes/ week

Classes are offered Monday through Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings.

Cost $105/mo. or $100 on auto-draft

Book Now(K-2nd) Book Now(3rd & up)

Celebrate Your BIG DAY the Cypress Academy Way!

1.5 or 2 hour Party

Complimentary Cypress Academy “Best Birthday Ever” T-Shirt for the Birthday Child!

Almost every Saturday at 1:00*, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00* and 5:00*pm and select Sundays as well.

Parties notated with a * have the option to be a 2 hour party.

Book Now


ages 5 & up, welcome!

Weekly:  9:00 am – 3:30 pm

AFTER CARE (3:30-5:00pm) – $30 per child/week

$210 per camp on or before May 15th if paid in full. 10% OFF 2nd child and 20% off each additional child.

Click on your preferred week to sign up

  • July 29th – August 2nd
  •  August 5th – 9th

    Camp Cost: $225 in Snap / $240 at the door
    Before Care & After Care – $30 each per week

    *Optional: $150 deposit today, then balance 2 weeks prior to camp. Ask an office staff member for more details.

Ninja Day Out

Ages 4 & up


$20 in Snap / $25 at the door

FULL DAY option: 9am-4pm. Pizza provided $40 in Snap / $50 at the door

Book Now

Friday Night Ninja

Ages 5 & up

6pm – 10pm

Every Friday Evening!

$20 in Snap / $25 at the door

Book Now

Complimentary Cypress Academy “Best Birthday Ever” T-Shirt for the Birthday Child!

Ages 5 & up – Cypress Ninja Summer Camp. Booking Now for June – August!

  • Ninja Day Out
  • Friday Night Ninja